Starting the Blog

I always had the intention of starting a blog but never got around to putting my plan in motion. My hectic schedule as well as the time, effort, and commitment it takes to maintain a blog led me to delay this project.

Fortunately, my Strategic Presentation class has given me the extra motivation to get started. I must say I had no idea what I was doing after I clicked the “Get Started Here” button. My computer had a few technical issues so generating this blog took longer than I expected. However, the process of adding images and making new posts were easier than I imagined. I noticed that everything was laid out for the average user to use. I’m glad that WordPress is a user-friendly interface.

I’m looking forward to modifying my blog throughout this semester. It will be a unique experience sharing my passion for cooking and clean eating with my classmates.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival :D

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 😀  via

A photo about how I felt like as I started this blog

A photo about how I felt like as I started this blog via Google